The proof is in the bubbles: America is in love with sparkling water. Sales of carbonated water exceeded 6 billion dollars in 2021 and that number continues to rise each year. But what exactly IS sparkling water? What are the health benefits? Read on to learn more.

Carbonated water, often referred to as sparkling water or soda water, can come in various forms, each with its own differences and unique taste. The choice between these options often comes down to personal preference. Here are some common types:

Club Soda: Club soda is essentially plain water that has been carbonated and often contains added minerals like sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and potassium sulfate. It usually has a slightly salty taste due to these added minerals.

Tonic Water: Tonic water is a carbonated soft drink that contains quinine, giving it a distinctive bitter flavor. It’s often used as a mixer in cocktails, most notably in gin and tonic.

Seltzer Water: Seltzer water–what most people know as unflavored, sparkling water—is carbonated water in it’s purest form. It is just water and carbon dioxide, which gives it bubbles. Seltzer water has a very neutral taste, making it a perfect hydration substitute for those who struggle with drinking adequate amounts of plain water. It’s also a terrifically healthy swap for highly caloric flavored soda. A single can of soda—or as we say in Michigan, pop!– often contains anywhere from 140 to 160 calories, and can have more than 43 grams of added sugar. A glass of cool, refreshing sparkling water provides all of the same satisfying bubbles, with zero calories and no sugar or harmful artificial sweeteners.

The simple addition of carbon dioxide to plain water produces additional benefits, making sparkling water a perfect choice for those who are concerned about their health. Hydrating with sparkling water may be good for your waistline. Studies indicate that drinking carbonated water contributes to a sense of fullness and satiety, possibly leading to lower overall calorie consumption. Evidence also supports that sparkling water can aid in digestion and relieve other gastrointestinal conditions. For those with problems swallowing due to an esophagus injury or illness, carbonated water may actually improve symptoms.

Did you know that Michigan Clear Water offers a countertop water dispenser that provides sparkling water for your office, with the touch of a button? The S4 Sparkling Water Dispenser is the first of its kind, offering hot, cold and sparkling water at an affordable price, with no plastic waste. The S4 uses lead reduction carbon filtration to ensure crisp, clean water in every glass. Its’ comfort-height and touch activated design provides no hassle dispensing and the sleek glass front panel and single point of dispense produces a sophisticated look for your office. At Michigan Clear Water, all of our bottleless water coolers incorporate leading edge technology for superior water purification and provide a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to bottled and filtered water coolers.


Do you love bubbles? Ready to ditch the plastic bottles? Reach out for a free 7 Day Trial of the S4 Sparkling Water Dispenser for your office and we promise—you’ll taste the difference!